Heavy Curly Brown Hair Woman

Top 8 Best Haircare Tips for Summer

The summer season is here — and like every time — it’s packing a punch. It’s time to step outdoors, hang out, and enjoy the full glory of the warm weather. 

But this season comes with a catch. While you enjoy the rough heat outside, your hair could get damaged. If you don’t get a haircare routine ASAP, you might end up with a mess on your head. 

You want to save your beloved hair from this nightmare, don’t you? I know you do — so let’s take you through the top hair care tips you should adopt this season. 

  1. Cover up whenever you can

First and foremost: try not to expose your hair to the sunlight for extended periods. If you can, cover up your hair with a hat or scarf. 

Covering up not only protects your hair from the harmful UV radiations coming from the sun but also keeps your hair moisturized. You know, sunrays can vaporize the moisture from your scalp and cause it to dry out — which is not a good thing for your hair. 

Moreover, if you have got your hair colored artificially, covering it up protects your color and makes it last longer. 

  1. Keep it loose

Don’t put your hair in tight, uncomfortable braids, especially if you have dry hair. Doing so will reduce the strength of your hair and cause hair fall. 

When you head out for a spin with your buddies next time, make sure your hairstyle is done in a loose braid. Doing so won’t only protect your hair, but also help you stay comfy and enjoy your life to the fullest. 

  1. Use a conditioner

You get thirsty and drink water again and again in hot weather, don’t you? Just as you get more thirsty in summer, your hair does too. (Well, kind of) You need to keep them moisturized so you look your best. 

Using a conditioner is the best way to go about it. However, if you’d like to get a deep moisturization, consider visiting a hair salon near you. 

  1. Get a sunscreen

That’s right, your skin isn’t the only thing that absorbs the harmful UV radiation from the sun — your hair does that too. Use hair care products that have sunscreen in them. 

Different products like shampoos, conditioners, and oils do have a percentage of sunscreen in them. However, to find out the right amount, you’d have to do your homework online. Find the right amount of sunscreen for your hair type, then get hair products that match that percentage. 

  1. Don’t wash too often

I know you feel refreshed after washing your hair, but doing so too often can damage your hair. When you wash your hair, the natural oils on them get rinsed off. Which, in turn, causes your hair to produce even more oil. 

However, going out with hair filled with natural oils isn’t the way to go, either. For the best results, consider using a dry shampoo that takes away excessive oils from your scalp and hair surfaces. 

  1. Try not to blowdry your hair

This season already brings along a lot of heat, you don’t need to punish your hair with even more of it. Try to stay away from all the heat-based accessories like hairdryers, straighteners, curlers, and others. 

Whenever you need to dry your hair, use a microfiber towel. After ditching straighteners and curlers, embrace your hairs’ natural texture and look. 

  1. Use apple cider vinegar

Do you have blonde hair? Are you tired of your hair turning green right after entering the pool? If yes, why haven’t you tried ACV (apple cider vinegar) yet? 

This natural product can help you avoid decolorization and dullness. Moreover, your hair won’t absorb as much chlorine when you use ACV regularly. Just take a ¼ cup of ACV and 2 cups of water — then rinse your hair with it and you’re good to go. 

  1. Keep it trimmed

The bright sun will eventually dry out your hair sooner or later. The ends will become frizzy and your hair will end up looking rugged. And as you know, treating rugged hair is a tough feat. 

Make sure you’re vising your salon regularly and trimming down frizzy ends. Avoid using tight-toothed brushes to brush your hair. Instead, use a comb with widespread teeth. 

To summarize it up

Summers bring along some months of joy, adventure, and hangouts. However, it also brings the nightmare of bright heat and UV radiation to your hair. You need to take haircare measures to protect your hair from this season. 

This article gives you all the tips you need to enjoy the summer without comprising your hair. 

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