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7 Pitfalls to Avoid While Choosing a Hairstylist

While choosing a hairstylist may not sound like a difficult task at first, it can indeed be a nerve-wracking experience. Your hair is a major part of how attractive your overall look is. If your stylist gets it wrong, you’re doomed. 

Some say choosing a hairstylist is like choosing a life partner. If you get the right one, it is bliss. If you end up with the wrong one, your life could be hell. (at least before you find a new one and heal from the wounds)

That said, there are several pitfalls you can unknowingly fall into while choosing your stylist. Wondering what these pitfalls are? Look no further, I have got you covered. 

  1. Not getting recommendations

Many people shy away from asking their friends or family members about which stylist styles their hair. However, if you want to find the best stylist for you, you need to get recommendations from people whose hairstyles you like. 

Remember, there’s no better way to judge the quality of a stylist than to see their previous work in person. If you like a friend’s or family member’s hair, ask them about their stylist right away. 

  1. Not looking at previous work

If you’re on the verge of choosing a stylist or are confused between a few of them, go looking for their online portfolio. Most modern salons and hairstylists have their business websites, as well as active social media accounts. There, you can find several pictures of previous works of these stylists. 

Go through the websites and social accounts of all the stylists you have been considering. Then, figure out which stylist’s hairstyles you like better.

  1. Neglecting reviews

There’s no better way to find a new stylist than asking your peers for recommendations. However, sometimes, your peers won’t be able to suggest a stylist that fits your needs. In that case, you need to go online and search for reviews. 

Reviews are pretty easy to find these days. With a quick Google search, you can locate all the salons in your area. Each salon will have several reviews posted by previous customers. Read those reviews.

Moreover, you can also search for and read review blogs written by bloggers. 

  1. Not trying out different stylists

No, I don’t mean you have to trust every stylist to do your hairstyle. I say you can “try” their services by getting an appointment for something simple; like trim or blowout. 

If you like how the stylist approaches your hair and works around them, they might be a good fit for you. Remember, you never have to trust a stylist to the fullest from the beginning, keep trying out different small services from them until you’re satisfied with their quality of work. 

  1. Not asking the right questions

While choosing a stylist, many people ask the simple question, “How many years have you been cutting hair?” While that’s a valid question — it’s not everything, and it’s not enough. The trends, technologies, and techniques in the styling world keep changing. While having “years of experience” is a good thing, it doesn’t mean the stylist knows how to handle the latest trends. 

The best way to counter this hurdle is to ask questions about the stylist’s latest education in the industry. Ask how often they take new courses and training in the field. If they keep them up-to-date, the chances of them being awesome are pretty high. 

  1. Choosing stylists that don’t match your personality

Believe it or not, you need to have a similar personality to your stylist if you wish to build a long-term styling relationship with them. I don’t mean you have to alter your personality — I mean you have to look for a stylist that fits yours.

The reason why some people stick to the same stylist for well above 20 years, is that they love how their stylist makes them feel. Their personalities match and work for each other. 

For example, if you’re a soft-spoken, shy kind of person, you won’t fit well with a to-the-point, outspoken, or blunt stylist. 

  1. Not considering celeb styles

Many people think all celebrities get their hair styled by in-house stylists that normal people don’t have access to. However, that’s not always true. Many celebrities get their hair styled by local salons. And more often than normal, they’d credit their stylist on their social media posts.

If you like a certain celebrity’s hair, go through their Instagram posts and see if they have credited a stylist or salon. If they have, you can look for the credited salon online and reach out to them. 

Key takeaways

Choosing the right hairstylist could be a tedious and time-consuming job. Plus, if you do it wrong, you might end up spending a lot on a style that you don’t even like. People often make many mistakes while choosing their stylists. 

However, after reading this article, you’re well aware of the mistakes you need to avoid while choosing your stylist. 

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